The Children’s Society: annual review
People-focused and impact-based
I helped come up with the concept for, and wrote and edited The Children’s Society’s 28-page annual review 2009/10.
The Children’s Society wanted a people-focused annual review to showcase their work, using real-life stories from service users, staff and volunteers. The stories needed to show the wider impact of the charity’s work, so readers could understand how supporting The Children’s Society could make a huge difference to people’s lives.
I contacted six of the charity’s projects and interviewed staff, volunteers and the young people they supported. Sourcing existing materials to write the case studies, each charted a young person’s journey through The Children’s Society’s services.
Liaising with staff, including finance, fundraising and media teams, my copy reported back on the previous year’s impact-based targets. I made sure they were written in plain English and met with the Charity Commission public benefit guidelines. Working with project officers, I helped put together ‘shopping lists’, which show how much it costs to provide different types of support.
It was one of a number of projects I worked on for The Children’s Society as their account manager at I also produced three cases for support about aspects of the charity’s work, wrote their style guide and defining statements.